We offer a range of Immunizations and Vaccinations that you normally would think of receiving at your doctors office, but without the complication of the long appointments, office waits, and in most cases, prescriptions. Our pharmacists are certified by the American Pharmacists Association for the administration of immunizations, and all immunization staff are certified in CPR/BLS. We accept all major insurance plans and can bill your insurance provider or Medicare Part B directly for the cost of the drug and the administration fee. We provide vaccinations to all adults and children 13 or older (with the permission and presence of a parent or legal guardian for ages 13-17).

Most plans cover both the drug and administration fee, but we will work with you on the cost if your plan does not cover the administration fee or only portion of the drug cost. Here is a list of some of the vaccines that Lily's Pharmacy can provide, most with no prescription or appointment required - though appointments help things go much more smoothly! You may elect to receive multiple vaccines at one appointment and our pharmacists will advise you otherwise if not recommended, but most of the time, it is not a problem!
- Flu (Influenza): We off the flu vaccine annually, for all patients 13 years or older. Book an appointment below.
- Influenza High Dose: We offer the Fluzone High Dose flu vaccine annually, for persons 65 years of age and older. Book an appointment below.
- Pneumonia (Pneumovax and Prevnar): Everyone 65 years of age and older and anyone 19-64 who smokes or has asthma. Book an appointment below.
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis "Tdap" (BOOSTRIX): Adults 18+ should receive a booster every 10 years. Book an appointment below.
- Shingles (Shingrix): A 2 dose series for everyone 50 years of age and older. Book an appointment below.
- RSV: A new Adult RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Vaccine is available beginning in Fall 2023. We have and offer the Abrysvo vaccine for all adults 60 or older. Book an appointment below.
- COVID-19: We offer the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine when available. Please see the COVID-19 Vaccine page for more information on current availability and to book an appointment.